Monday, 16 February 2009

Hung out to dry?

Over the past few days theres been a whole string of people posting their Dotee collections, Ive seen a few pin boards of these lovely hand sewn dolls. But this one really caught my eye. These were all made by the same person Swap-bot user: atotalnobody they arent one's she herself has recieved from others but dolls made by one person. Dotee's she just couldn't part with. which is very sweet. I admit that even I have some ATC's in my collection that I drew up with the good intention of handing out to other's in swaps and then thought, awww. thats pretty cool. I think I'll keep it or make a copy for the person it was made for. Its really cool to see the variety of style's of Doll one person can make actually, since I tend to do one style of drawing with my cards, atotalnobody really does have a knack for making variety pretty.
Though if this is a sign of how many she has kept for herself. Id love to see a snap shot of the collection of dolls she has recieved. Have a look at more of her dotee's close up here, here and here.

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