Monday, 22 June 2009

Dollop of Paint?

I saw this photo today of this matchbox and was amazed it looked to me at first like a delicate dollop of paint, but it wasnt anything like that at all, it was far cooler. It happens to be chunky wool wrapped around a match box and among that wool are beads and other goodies sewn into it. It looks on a closer inspection absolutely lovely. Better than a dollop of paint.
What a lovely selection of beady goodness though from inside too. I can see a few beads Id have stolen away for projects of my own. tee hee. Curses! I missed out on this bright red box. I really do need to get my act in gear and get back into making match boxes again, but the mini zines are also far too much fun. Thank you very much Flickr gallery owner: Mad Mummy for sharing these photos.