Wednesday 25 March 2009

Firey Things on Rainy days

what a fantastic stuffie. Simple as.
For those who havent already recognised the character, this is Calcifer the fire spirit from the Ghibli Movie, Howls moving castle. I loved this movie. I love them all in their own way but I have to admit, its a wrestling match between Howls moving castle and Princess Monoke(I think I spelt that right). For the best.
I know for a fect though Ive paid for stuffies of characters from the Ghibli movies and they havent been as good as this stuffie. Hes really well made, take a closer look here. At no point does it look like the lady who made him, Flickr user: carottepower,got bored and podged the end (something I am infamously guilty of). Really well done and I look forward to seeing other ossum stuffies like him.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Thanks for the kind words, I did put some time in this one, it was not easy letting him go to his new home! and it was my first try at blanket stitching too (for the log).

