Sunday, 29 December 2013

Collage 339: The Crafters Challenge

We all set ourselves challenges from time to time when we're crafting. Which for me genuinely falls into me wanting to make intricate little things with fiddly pockets for my swap partners to explore and have an little adventure finding out all the content.
But there are some swappers out there who go that extra mile beyond even that, in this case perhaps thousand miles- No wait. 339 miles?

Thats right. This crafter has not just made the collage in the picture here that caught my eye. They've made 339 other collages with the intent to try and make 365 collages I suspect before the year ends. While they confess that they wont get all of them done in the next few days, It amazes me that they have made 339! That's an intense amount of work and quite a considerable commitment to keep the standards up for too.
The artist explains whats been used in this collage as:  'one of my ghost monotype prints with gingko leaf stencils, washi tape, magazine photo, laser cut stickers, my Frosted Flake arti-stamp, Sharpie white paint pen'

I can safely say thats alot more effort than I have made in any collage I have ever made. No wonder this frosty coloured picture (with a tiny hint of green sneaking in) caught my eye.
It was made by GinaVisione and can be found on their Flicker gallery here.

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